1. The Name of GOD is YHWH. YHWH is ONE(ECHAD) in the Triune Unity of the FATHER, the SON(WHO is the WORD Of GOD) and, the HOLY SPIRIT.
2. The Name YHWH is unveiled in us by CHRIST JESUS (see John 17:6a, 26) through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:14). We proclaim that CHRIST JESUS is the Fullness of the GODHEAD in bodily form (see Col 2:9, KJV). And, in this reality that “I AM” of YHWH is exclusively communicated to us in the substance (hupostasis) of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS. The substance of the fullness of the CHRIST JESUS is communicated into us through the Rhema Word that carries the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. Salvation is therefore exclusively a reality unveiled in CHRIST JESUS, by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT, in the fulfillment of the FATHER’s Will (see John 16:13-15;Col 1:15-20; Eph 1:3-14).
3. We declare that the substance(hupostasis) of CHRIST JESUS Fullness is the Bread Of Life (see John 6:51,c,a51). The substance of HIS Fullness is prophetically addressed as HIS Flesh. The substance of HIS Fullness is of HIS PERSON (Hupostasis – as noted in Heb 1:3a, NKJV), HIS BEING (Hypostasis – as noted in Heb 1:3a NIV) and HIS Nature (Hupostasis – as noted in Heb 1:3a, NASB). The communication of the sustance of HIS Fullness – into us as the Bread Of Life – is in a fully subordinate and dependent reality. This reality is addressed prophetically as the flesh of the SON OF MAN (see John 6:53, Eze 36:26).
4. We proclaim that the Bible is the infallible Word Of GOD. We proclaim that Scripture communicated by the HOLY SPIRIT unveils the fullness of CHRIST JESUS in substance (hupostasis) which in turn unveiled a new creation (see Eph 2:10; 2 Cor 5:17). We proclaim that this is the reality in which GOD has glorified HIS Word according to all HIS Name (see Ps 138:2c, NASB). And, we proclaim that this is how the Mystery of the Fathers’s Will is revealed, perfected and completed into us (see Eph 1:9, 3-14) in fulfillment of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms(see Matt 5:17-19; Luke 24:44; John 1:16-17, NASB/NKJV/KJV). This reality communicated the infallible Word Of GOD in the perfect will of the FATHER.
5. We proclaim that the Church(Ekklesia) is defined as the Body Of CHRIST charged with the responsibility of unveiling the fullness of CHRIST JESUS so that HIS Fullness will fill all in all (see Eph 1:22-23; Col 1:17-20). Each member of the Body Of CHRIST is build in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS (see John 1:16-17, NASB/NKJV/KJV; Eph 4:13) and is ultimately to be filled with all fullness of GOD (see Eph 3:19).
6. We become members of the Body Of CHRIST – alive to the Kingdom Of GOD from our inward parts – when we are born again (see John 3:3,5; Luke 17:20-21, KJV/NKJV).
7. We proclaim one Baptism manifested in Water and the SPIRIT (see John 3:5).
Water Baptism is entry – through immersion in the Name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT – into the Covenant of YHWH’s grace (by being baptized into CHRIST JESUS and HIS death – see Rom 6:3).
HOLY SPIRIT Baptism (see Matt 3:11) is the entry into the reality of the fulfillment of the Covenant of YHWH’s grace (see John 16:14) in the unveiling of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS by the HOLY SPIRIT in our inward parts, in fulfillment of the FATHER’s Will (see Eph 1:3-14). The visible signs of the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT include the Operation of The Gifts (see 1 Cor 12:4-11) and the use of Tongues (see Mark 16:17).
The use of Tongues facilitates entry into the revelation of the Mysteries Of GOD (see 1 Cor 14:2; 1 Cor 4:1; Eph 3:3-4,9-10; 1 Cor 14:5a, 18) through revelation knowledge (see 1 COr 14:6; Isa 28:9-12; 1 Cor 2:9-13; Deut 29:29; Mark 4:22-25,20).
8. We declare that each member of the Body Of CHRIST is called to receive and unveil a Covenant written into the tablets of their heart by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Jer 31:31-34; Ex 31:18;32:16; 2 Cor 3:3 NASB+NKJV; Heb 8:8-13; 10:15-16). This heart is a heart of flesh (see Eze 36:26; 2 Cor 3:3 NKJV) that is of the substance of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS.
9. We proclaim that each member of the Body Of CHRIST is equipped with the witness (see 1 John 5:10a) unveiled in Blood, Water and Spirit (see1 John 5:8; 6-8, NKJV). This witness unveiled in the Testimony of JESUS through the cross (see John 1:30,34), enables us to function by the SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS. This ability to function by the SPIRIT In CHRIST is the New Covenant Law Of Life, that sets us free from the Law of Sin And Death (see Rom 8:2). This reality was prophetically foreshadowed in the life of Enoch who obtained the witness that he was pleasing to YHWH before he was taken (see Heb 11:5, NASB).
10. We subscribe to the Great Commission (see Matt 28:18-20) of the evangelism of the Nations (including the sons of Abraham – see Isa 19:23-25) through the Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. No person is born a Christian. Becoming a Christian involves a necessary conversion through being born again from our inward parts (see John 3:3-5; Eze 36:25-27).
11. We subscribe to the 5-fold ministry of the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists, appointed to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to the building up of the Body of CHRIST (see Eph 4:11-13,15-16) – in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT, in the fulfillment of the FATHERS’s Will (see Eph 1:3-14, 17-23).
12. We Subscribe to the fulfillment of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms as being the reality in which we should understand the Old Testament in the context of the New Testament revelation (see Matt 5:17-19 and Luke 24:44-45).
13. We subscribe in essence to the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed in all areas where the language/terminology and doctrine are consistent with the Scriptures. We subscribe to being part and parcel of the universal Church Of GOD that is to be guided into its purpose and destiny through the Apostolic mantle that GOD is restoring to the Church on earth. We believe that this Apostolic Mantle speaks of the preeminence of CHRIST JESUS in the governance of HIS Body as outlined in Colossians 1:17-20).